We Appreciate Your Business

Whether you’re visiting Northport and Omena for an afternoon, a day, a week or making our lovely community your permanent residence, we encourage you to visit our local businesses. You’ll be surprised at the wide array of products and services available. Plus you’ll like doing business with our friendly shop keepers. We look forward to having you visit!

If you're planning a visit to Northport and Omena, use this listing of local businesses to help plan your stay. The fastest way to find the businesses you're looking for is to look down the list in the right hand column under Type of Business. There you'll find a quick way to find what you're looking for whether it's accommodations, places to eat or shop, or a place to hold a special event. Please take a few minutes to explore and see what Omena and Northport have to offer.

The Pennington Collection

Shop The Pennington Collection for unique and interesting items -- great gifts, cards, gift wrap, toys... you won't believe the variety packed into this store.

Shopkeeper: Sarah Eggert
102 Mill Street
Northport, Michigan 49670

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